Thursday, October 11, 2012

It was a 2 Glass of Wine Sort of Day...

It  all sounded super practical that I sneak out to do some necessary appointments at the crack of dawn this morning.  Didn't seem so super once 6 am rolled along!  I hit the ground running and literally did.  not.  stop.  all day.  Until I was done folding the laundry at 10:30.  While everyone else was sleeping and had been for at least 2 hours.  Hey, I like being busy but this is tired!  I will make a clear point to slow down tomorrow!

Picking a pumpkin!

Leaf suncatchers we made.  An oldie but a goodie.  And certainly new to the kids.

Pattern blocks with sticky board.  (contact paper on an easel)

Some favorite titles for right now:

Our friend Presleigh came for a play day today and we had an amazing time at a local farm.  I especially enjoyed watching the kids run and giggle in the sunlight with the pale hues of fall as the back drop to their fun. 

The entrance to the corn maze I was NOT crazy enough to let them enter!  Riley is thinking "Don't make us go in there!"
Kier somehow knew sand was not for eating but enjoyed massaging with his fingers instead!

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